galvanize graphics by bruce cayone

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Visibly Absent: Back in Times opens at SWWTU

back in times (10)

Photographer Alex Smailes's Galvanize project is Back in Times, a series of portraits, taken over a period of two years, of patrons of the monthly "Back in Times" parties held at the SWWTU Hall on Wrightson Road in Port of Spain. The photographs will be shown in that very space, and the exhibition opens at SWWTU Hall on Saturday, 7 October, 2006, at an actual "Back in Times" party. All are invited.

From 7.30 to 9 pm, admission is free, with a door charge after 9. There will be music, a cash bar, and a chance to see Smailes's images in the location where they were made. The theme for the evening is "Victoria's Lady in Black"--dress up smart. Parking along Wrightson Road.

Back in Times runs until 26 October.


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