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Friday, October 13, 2006

Sound & Lyrics: "Make a Holy Noise": Gary Hector and jointpop

jointpop at anarchy 5

jointpop, with Gary Hector at far right

On 14 October, Gary Hector and Damon Homer of jointpop, the groundbreaking Trinidadian rock band, will perform an acoustic set at CCA7, preceded by a public conversation between Hector and writer Jonathan Ali.

Gary Hector: "Most of [the band's] great performances were in underground situations, because that is what we were, that is what we were best suited to. We don't belong in the big venues, in the fetes ... we've never really been a band you can dance to, we're a band you listen to."

Read Tracy Assing's interview with Gary Hector in this feature on the Trinidadian rock music scene from Caribbean Beat magazine.

Make a Holy Noise: Gary Hector and jointpop will take place on Saturday 14 October, 2006, at 8 pm, in the InterAmericas Space at CCA7.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Gary it's your sweet beautiful cousin Joy (noe living in Delaware) . Just came across this site while googling new rock music. I'm so proud of you words cannot express. Phill and Gabe sends their love. 10/30/2008

1:11 PM, October 30, 2008  

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