galvanize graphics by bruce cayone

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sound & Lyrics: "Naked As You Born": Sheldon Holder and 12

The core of Galvanize 2006 is "Visibly Absent", a series of nine visual artists' projects, but the programme also includes performances by and conversations with musicians, writers, and architects.

Sheldon Holder of 12 the band. Photo by Alex Smailes

On 30 September, Sheldon Holder, musician, songwriter, and frontman of 12 the band, will have a public conversation with artist Christopher Cozier. Their informal, freeform dialogue may cover, among other things, the current local music scene, the evolution of 12's "eclectic soul" sound, Holder's musical influences, and Holder and Cozier's past collaborations, followed by a free performance by the full band.

Read Georgia Popplewell's short profile of 12 in the March/April 2006 issue of Caribbean Beat. Listen to Popplewell's interview with Holder at Caribbean Free Radio (posted 27 May, 2005).

Naked As You Born: Sheldon Holder and 12 will take place at 6 pm on Saturday 30 September, 2006, at Alice Yard, 80 Roberts Street, Woodbrook.


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