Conversation: News That Stays News: Newsprint Literature

B.C. Pires, Attillah Springer, and Lisa Allen-Agostini
Who are the writers grappling most immediately with the state of contemporary Trinidad and Tobago? What forms are they writing in, and for what audience? Are the fragmentary, discontinuous, first-person non-fiction narratives published in the periodical press--i.e., newspaper columns--"literature"? Can the newspaper column be a literary medium? And what are the boundaries between "literature", "journalism", and "activism"?
Columnists B.C. Pires (of the Trinidad Express), Attillah Springer, and Lisa Allen-Agostini (both of the Trinidad Guardian) join Caribbean Review of Books editor Nicholas Laughlin in a discussion of these and similar questions, in the second Galvanize "conversation".
Members of the public are invited to join the discussion.
A "conversation" on News That Stays News: Newsprint Literature will be held on Thursday 28 September, 2006, at 6.30 pm, in the InterAmericas Space at CCA7
Read B.C. Pires's latest column here, Attillah Springer's latest column here, and Lisa Allen-Agostini's latest column here
Hey, b.c. in the picture of you in the shades, at the right angle, YOU LOOK JES' LIKE ERIC, THE 'DOC'. If there was a role in a play about "we fadder" (of the nation, whatever) guess who should be on the short-list!!!!
Looking forward to hearing about your stage debut!
Christian Lassalle
A Trini in ft lauderdale usax
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