galvanize graphics by bruce cayone

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"All our music is calypso"

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Flugelhorn player Brendon Moore, guest bass guitarist Peter Noel, frontman Sheldon Holder, drummer Makesi Joseph, and lead guitarist John Hussain of 12 the band performing at the Galvanize event "Naked as You Born"; Saturday 30 September, 2006, Alice Yard, Roberts Street, Woodbrook

12 at galvanize 1.JPG

Flugelhorn player Brendon Moore, bass guitarist Nigel Irish, and frontman Sheldon Holder of 12 the band performing at the Galvanize event "Naked as You Born"; Saturday 30 September, 2006, Alice Yard, Roberts Street, Woodbrook

christopher cozier and sheldon holder in conversation.JPG

Artist Christopher Cozier and musician Sheldon Holder of 12 the band in conversation at the Galvanize event "Naked as You Born", Saturday 30 September, 2006, Alice Yard, Roberts Street, Woodbrook


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