galvanize graphics by bruce cayone

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Galvanize 2006: updated schedule of events

Galvanize is a six-week contemporary arts programme running from 14 September to 26 October, 2006. It is divided into three phases of one fortnight each.


Launch Party
14 September, 2006, 7.00 pm
Venue: CCA7

Visibly Absent: Artists' Interventions
15 to 27 September, 2006

= Gerard Gaskin: A Walk in the Park
photography installation
Venue: Tattoo Farm, Long Circular Road, Maraval
Times: The Tattoo Farm is open Monday to Friday, 11 am to 8 pm

= Jaime LeeLoy: Unease: An 8-Step Programme
multi-media installation
Venue: Alice Yard, 80 Roberts Street, Woodbrook
Times: Friday 15 September, 5 to 8 pm
Saturday 16 September, 11 am to 6 pm
Friday 22 September, 4 to 8 pm
Saturday 23 September, 11 am to 6 pm

= Sabrina Charran: Banana Monologues
intervention in public spaces--posters, cards, etc.
Venues: outdoor public locations around Port of Spain

Open Screenings: New video work by artists in and of the Caribbean
15 September to 26 October, 2006
Venue: The Art Room, CCA7

Conversation: The Visual Arts Environment, 20 Years After
discussion of the pioneering 1980s artists-led initiative
21 September, 2006, 6.30 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7
Participants: Courtney Martin, Steve Ouditt, Edward Bowen, Mario Lewis


Visibly Absent: Artists' Interventions
29 September to 11 October, 2006
Launch event: 28 September, 2006, 8.00 pm, CCA7

= Akuzuru: Atonement for Our Transgressions
site-specific installation
Venue: Queen's Park Savannah, opposite the Botanic Gardens

= Parker Nicholas: Light, Lyrics & Boxes
Venue: Mode Alive, Frederick Street, downtown

= Tessa Alexander: Progressive Blindness
video installation
Venue: Eddie Bowen's Studio, 25 Sydenham Avenue, St Ann’s

Conversation: News That Stays News: Newsprint Literature
readings and discussion of the newspaper column as a literary medium
Thursday 28 September, 2006, 6.30 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7
Participants: B.C. Pires, Attillah Springer, Lisa Allen-Agostini, Nicholas Laughlin

Sound and Lyrics: Sheldon Holder and 12
performance and conversation with Christopher Cozier
Saturday 30 September, 2006, 6.00 pm
Venue: Alice Yard, 80 Roberts Street, Woodbrook

Conversation: What Is Worth Talking About: Points for Reference in our Changing Urban Landscape
multimedia installation addressing architecture, design, and urbanism
Thursday 5 October to Wednesday 18 October, 2006
Venues: 3 Gray Street, St Clair; and Form & Function, 5B Gaston Johnston Street, Woodbrook
Launch event: Thursday 5 October, 2006, 7.30 pm
3 Gray Street, St Clair
Participants: Sean Leonard, Steve Ouditt, Asad Mohammed, Colin Laird, Darren Brathwaite

Performance: Fresh Water, by Makeda Thomas
dance project, with light installation by Elspeth Duncan
Saturday 7 October, 2006, 7 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7
Dancers: Makeda Thomas, Shani Collins, Khaleah London, Sonja Dumas


Visibly Absent: Artists' Interventions
13 to 26 October, 2006
Launch event: 12 October, 2006, 8.00 pm, CCA7

= Marlon Griffith: Doppelganger
video installation
Venue: Mangoes Restaurant, Independence Square

= Alex Smailes: Back in Times
photo installation
Venue: SWWTU Hall, Wrightson Road; back corridor, CCA7
Opens on Saturday 7 October at SWWTU at an actual "Back in Times" party; free admission between 7.30 and 9 pm
From Friday 13 October, installed in the back corridor at CCA7

= Nikolai Noel: The Black Eye Project
wall drawings in public spaces and drawing installation
Venues: outdoor locations around Port of Spain; the Art Room, CCA7

Sound and Lyrics: Gary Hector and jointpop
performance and conversation with Jonathan Ali
Saturday 14 October, 2006, 8.00 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7

Performance: Meta-Osmotica, by Akuzuru
performance work
Tuesday 17 October, 2006, 6:30pm
Venue: Form & Function, 5B Gaston Johnston Street, Woodbrook

Retrospective: Design works by Illya Furlonge-Walker
Tuesday 17 October, 2006, 7:00pm
Venue: Form & Function, 5B Gaston Johnston Street, Woodbrook

Conversation: Monsters and Other Animals: Poems and Fictions
readings and discussion
Thursday 19 October, 2006, 6.30 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7
Participants: James Christopher Aboud, Anu Lakhan, Nicholas Laughlin

Conversation: What Next?: Galvanize Post-Mortem
Thursday 2 November, 2006, 6.30 pm
Venue: InterAmericas Space, CCA7
Participants: Mario Lewis, Christopher Cozier, Steve Ouditt, Peter Doig, Nicholas Laughlin, Charlotte Elias

Ongoing: each Galvanize event or project will be documented online at


Blogger Leledacuca said...


8:22 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good work... the rest of trinidad and tobago needs to be "galvanised"...perhaps south of the caroni??

12:27 AM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Galvanize... why isn't it "Galvanise"?... anyways... Galvanize should learn a couple smarter ways of galvanizing the masses such as, oh I don't know, making the schedule visible on the front page?

9:41 PM, October 16, 2006  

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